Let’s find and develop your passion and purpose... together.

Welcome to my coaching studio!

Here you get the best of enhancing your talents, gifts, and passions along with creating a plan to overcome obstacles and live a life that is aligned with your best self. 

(Man, that sounds AWESOME right?) 

Are you ready?!


There is healing and restoration on the other side of pain.

And I truly believe that anyone can overcome the difficulties that we all face at some point in our lives. I’ve learned that in spite of difficulty, hurt and pain, life goes on with or without you. So at some point you have to pray, pick yourself up, and get to work.

Change what you want to change, grow where you want to grow,and heal where you need to heal.

You can have the life you want, but it's going to take work. And chances are, it won’t be easy, but I am here to help.


Invest in your relationship with yourself

I help clients overcome the obstacles and false narratives they tell themselves — anything that may be keeping them from accomplishing their dreams and goals.


Improve your vocal gifts and talents…

I go beyond just the voice and shape each lesson based on the student — their age, their experience, and their goals in voice.


“Wow, can I say wow! Through Letitia, I finally believe I am worth great things. I am not “too much” and I want so much good for myself. — Therese Ragland

Letitia is a professional singing coach committed to excellency. Besides having a beautiful voice, she is knowledgeable of the right techniques for voice and is able to apply them in several different musical styles. —Angelis Chevalier, Music Professor at Mount San Antonio College